Spring Fountain of dew

Monday, June 27, 2005

New Link

Irene: http://www.livejournal.com/users/ircat/

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Caterpillar & Butterfly

A strong feeling of making a thick caterpillar of myself, can I become a butterfly and fly freely one day? Or do I dare to do that? What is a butterfly for me? What is the butterfly other people see?

Too big a impact on me these days!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

proposal for a new business start up

After read Huan's article , I have a business idea! :) dreaming of making money now.
Just feel that we should really pass on our most precious heritage!!! Chinese poem!

UserNeed :
Oh, my god, so many things that I'm eager to learn... life is never boring, time is really precious. Do they have some CD or casset that reads Tang Shi Song Ci? I want to buy and listen before I go to sleep. That'll be beautiful.

If they don't have , maybe we can start a business doing this? :- ) Should be intersting. who want to do the market investigation?

Friday, June 10, 2005


Got this article from cro. She always have something new and inspiring. We are the same type of people that striving for our dreams... Wish good luck!

> ========================
> 找准职场风向标,成功转型
> 向阳生涯职业咨询机构
> 很多人都想转型。工作做久了,做烦了,没盼头了,这时,转型未尝是一种突破的
> 好办法。但向阳生涯职业规划专家的研究表明,有七成以上的职业转型都以失败而告一
> 段落。当然转型失败的原因很多,而没有很好的摸准职场的风向标,自说自话地给自己
> 做“职业规划”是很重要的原因之一。向阳生涯职业规划专家指出,能够很好的找准职
> 场的风向标是成功转型的关键之一。如目前职场有个新风尚,市场幼教年轻女白领转行
> 做幼教。
> 据预测,在近几年内,本市每年需补充幼儿教师500人以上,而目前通过学前教育
> 专业学习的应届毕业生每年仅在200人左右,远远不能满足需要。
> 日前,面向社会招幼教第一天报名者八成为在职“白领”。在面向社会招收幼教老
> 师的第一天,到下午5:00,市托幼协会收到了110份报名表,往届生占了八成,其中很
> 多人拥有一份不错的工作,但因不堪忍受工作压力而希望跳槽做幼教。报名者中有不少
> 是白领女性,都想转行当幼教。除了年轻在职女性外,还有不少应届大专和本科毕业生
> 也来报名。她们表示,喜爱孩子、喜爱和孩子相处是促使她们来报名的主要原因。而工
> 作稳定、待遇不错,以及每年还有寒暑假,也是重要的理由。
> 向阳生涯职业咨询案例:
> 张小姐,毕业于一所重点大学。之前在一家大型跨国公司工作,担任市场部门经
> 理。现在的工资收入相当高,但为此付出的是承担着相当大的工作压力。虽然工作能力
> 依然存在,但工作起来的热忱却在渐渐消逝。张小姐总是在怀疑自己,是不是自己在职
> 业生涯上出现了自满自足的状态。她与向阳生涯职业规划专家谈到,“尽管现在我也有
> 一份不错的工作,收入稳定,但当一名幼教是我从小就期盼已久的愿望。当我走过幼儿
> 园,听到孩子们叽叽喳喳的欢笑声,我都会忍不住多看几眼。那时的心情非常好。但当
> 我走进办公室之后,一种无名的压力与焦躁感,就会来到我身边。”“为了圆上这个心
> 愿,即便是辞去现在的工作、重新接受岗位培训,我也非常愿意!”“我想别人很难理
> 解我现在的心情,如果我真的去做幼教,别人肯定会认为我神经有问题。家里人知道不
> 喜欢现在的行业岗位,知道我天天由于工作压力,快要吃不消了。可在旁人看来,肯定
> 会说我身在福中不知福。”
> 为了慎重起见,她来到向阳生涯职业咨询机构希望职业规划师帮她做一个科学的职
> 业规划。
> 向阳生涯职业规划专家分析:
> 理想要成为现实,需要现实地思考
> 向阳生涯职业规划专家通过专业的测评,并系统分析了张小姐的情况,从包括能
> 力、知识、性格、兴趣、心理准备、市场等多方面考察表明,她可以考虑转换工作岗
> 位。因为对于她,现在的目标已经不是薪水和高职了,从事一直梦想的职业,是她生活
> 的快乐所在。冲破世俗观念,完成自己的心愿,在心理层次上达到职业生涯的目标,是
> 更高层次的境界。这是一种健康的从业观。所以张小姐不用去考虑别人会怎么想、怎么
> 去评价你,从事快乐职业,到什么时候都是人们应该羡慕的事情。
> 虽然进行这么大的职业转换对于张小姐来说比较合适,但向阳生涯职业规划专家提
> 醒,对于更多的人来说,但选择岗位特别是进行较大的转换时都要非常慎重。对于目标
> 岗位,不能想象得太理想,要做好客观和主管方面的各种准备。
> 比如幼教岗位,尽管幼教人才现在很缺乏,但因为现在社会、家长都对幼儿教育
> 提出了越来越高的要求,在幼儿教育行业中,有较强综合素质的专业幼儿教师已经成为
> 他们急需的人才。对幼教老师个人的素质要求很高,去年参加报名并进行行业培训的就
> 有两成没有如愿走上幼教岗位。幼教老师需要有更强的事业心和责任心。此外,幼教老
> 师不仅仪表仪态端正,口齿清楚,还需要有很高的素质和修养。
> 向阳生涯职业规划专家,职业规划岗位资格认证职业规划师金培华指出,对于想去
> 作幼教的“白领”们来说,要做好的准备有很多:
> 首先要仔细分析自己,性格是否合适?
> 幼教要有足够的耐心,在办公室工作长时间的“白领”们,做事情的风格通常与幼
> 教岗位是格格不入的。设想孩子的哭闹调皮,都是非理性的,要想用办公室的理性思维
> 办事风格去引导孩子是不可能的。自己是否具有耐心细致的性格,是从事幼教的前提。
> 要客观地思考实际,经济上是否可行?
> 幼教的工资水平对比工作多年的“白领”工资水平而言,恐怕相差甚远。生活上的
> 经济基础稳定是一切的物质基础,在自己生活上的经济支持是否足够,应该是针对个人
> 问题要考虑的首先要考虑的。
> 落差是否会接受,接下来的岗位困难自己是否有了足够的心理准备?
> 我们都知道,“隔行如隔山”,一点不假。从事幼教也并不会像想象中得那么顺
> 利。各行都有着其岗位难点存在。在从事幼教事业中,如何与孩子沟通,如何启发引导
> 孩子并非容易的事情,既然已经决定从事幼教,就不要在遇到困难时,返回头去想作为
> 白领的优势。毕竟从头学习一个行业,需要你全身心的投入进去,要想成功就不要有太
> 多的犹豫。
> 第一步要迈出,得做好行业岗位资格认证培训。职业规划师提示:现在要想从事幼
> 教岗位,要进行岗位培训。上海市的托幼协会主管幼教的岗位认可工作。协会对报名者
> 一般安排5至7个月不等的培训,成绩合格就能获得证书,个人和园方将在市学前教育网
> (www.age06.com)上双向选择、公开招聘。
> 向阳生涯职业规划专家点评:
> 理想的实现,道路不会只有一条
> 目标虽然只有一个,但到达目标的方式却应该有多种。在新的职业规划中,应该用
> 发散的思维去思考。
> 比如,项从事幼儿教育行业,并非只有当幼教这一条路可以走。可以把幼儿教育作
> 为自己的事业来发展,可以考虑比如创业、创新的思路。
> 向阳生涯职业规划专家指出,目前幼儿培训机构前景很乐观,从事幼儿智力开发行
> 业等,同样可以达到梦想。35岁左右的中年女性,虽然过了当“孩子王”的最佳年龄,
> 从事幼教有些不适应,但培训后自己开幼儿园、亲子园,也是一条大道职业理想的好
> 路。
> 在创新上,如果你技术过硬,思维够活跃,开发幼教产品、儿童科技性产品等,不
> 仅可以达到与儿童“共欢笑”的行业理想,你的才智贡献也会为整个幼教行业带来新的
> 气息,工作在这样的环境里,谁都会乐此不疲的。
> 转行,要有专业的知识作为指引
> 向阳生涯职业规划专家提醒想要转行的白领女性,在从业的任何阶段,我们都要进
> 行职业生涯的规划,而在考虑转工转行的阶段尤其需要,因为这涉及到职业之路行使方
> 向的正确与否。在确定好方向之后,如何达到目标,在实现目标的方式方法上同样还要
> 进行广泛的思考,因为这涉及到工具使用的正确与否。
> 职业规划师的任务就是达成这两方面都正确的最大可能性,因为他们拥有专业的职
> 业生涯规划理论、知识及技能,拥有大量的行业、岗位的现实实践经验,具有大量的案
> 例借鉴。在进行职业规划时,不妨走近职业规划师,来听取专家们的意见,对于你的成
> 功职业生涯,未尝不是一条捷径。(完)
> 上海向阳生涯管理咨询有限公司
> 网站支持:www.careercn.net(中国职业规划网)
> 中国上海徐家汇漕溪北路38号5楼E座(徐家汇地铁11号口50米)
> E-mail:careercn@hotmail.com
> 预约咨询:021-64412544;64872767;64696946(每日9:00~20:30)

Meeting, Dinner and others...

The company neighboring to Neitherland... Smells tulip :-)

User(potential cstomer) view and customer review, a tree structure, a hierachical knowledge base, we might be able to get a good summary of other people's feedback of the product before we buy it. Internet is really creating a fair place to compete. A live advertisement, no one can cheat.

'anoop' in India means "unique". Ha, interesting. anoop in poona university.Hoho.

Adanac---Canada, what's the relation between them? Cool street.

Lao Si Chuan... spicy? What does Chuan mean? 4 River or 4 Moutain.... Need to pick up my Chinese!

Good to observe the out-of-lab prof. That's fun and relaxing.

a letter

parts of the answer to my friend's email. I'm trying to encourage myself too...
Don't know what kind of life is a real life to let you chase your dream and making it come true. ....Pang Huang....

It's good to know what you don't like if you have only 2 choice. But it is not very helpful if you have hundreds of choices and you only know one that you don't like. Please, please take some time try to think and find what you like. Which means doing more investigation and talk to more people, try to get an understanding of different careers that people might have. Thousands of careers exist in the world, it worth sometime to find out. I'm sure you will find what you like. Ha, then you will become an career consultant, maybe I'll also consult from you sometime :) jUst kidding.... :P

So before you decide you don't want to do PhD, try to figure out at least what you are going to do? Or what kind of half - one year experience you want to have. It is not very good if you just quit the PhD and then just spend a period think what are you going to do. Well, it's fine that you just spend this whole period traveling and reading. But for me, that's very luxcious plan. Maybe I'm a little bit realistic but I do not feel like to have a blank period on my resume.

Thanks for your encouragement, yes,let's get it done. One more week to go.
As you know, I'm slow in everything, so ... just give some time, but I'm doing it little by little. Hopefully, more close to my dream. Master study here, let me choose my area in Natural Language Processing(NLP). I come to the most interdisciplinary field of computing Science. You could see that I am trying to change a little bit. NLP is hard though, especially on the pure computing algorithm side. I'm more interested in its application side, how it can be used to solve a real problem, if it is on education, that'll be perfect. So I want to continue study definitely, but not on the computing science side. I'm now a little bit pressurus , since the PhD is really a chance for me to change my area and direction. I hope I can get offers from a good area. I will do all the applications like what I have done 2 years ago again, to see if I can change something.
I don't have the courage to change totally, so I'll still try to apply what I've learned to change my career little by little. You know, I need to make a living first , I need to survive in the society. It sounds pressurus , but it's a real world for me. I have to stand up by myself. Bad effect is : this make me not a beauty but a geek. :(

But You are different from me, you have him. You might be able to lead a more nice life and don't have too much pressure. But doing something you enjoy. You can discuss with Zhaoyi, if you want to try some, then try it.

Especially when you are doing phD, you are in the university, you have the chance to go to library and read different subjects, talk to different people in different area. In the university, it's just a chance to let you grow, then you will be more competent in the future, no matter what you are going to do. That's also a very important reason for me to continue study. I need more time to get ready to really do something.
But another opinion is also right: you can always learn fast from society. Maybe you are that type people that learn from society. Then quit your study and find a job or something else.

All in all, the important thing is learning and investigation, keep your mind open. Because that can make you closer to your dream.

get this right from my friend right after I wrote this letter .... proud of her

理想- -


Sunday, June 05, 2005

what woman want?

Aunt Florence come to see her again, but aunty come more and more not on time, and always come very slowly, tend to stay longer... which make herself become more and more unstable... she's really getting worried about it.

Yesterday is the 5th year anniversary of G&Z. she's the witness to see how they get and grow up together... a little bit envy them :P Nice couple. Wish them love each other forever.

When she read their love story-- "I took care of you from every trivial part of the life, friends always think it's unfair. But they didn't see you good , how you love me. You encourage me to develop my own interest and stick on them... swimming, drawing, learning french....you use your special style of love to love me", She is moved.

Started to wonder "what woman want?" Yes, G know what G wanted and G is happy. But SHE IS still struggling and searching what she want ? Maybe the problem is the perfectionist and she want all... Too avarice... :P

Yes... "please, please teach me chinese...it must be tiring to speak english all the time."; "I took the haircut , and went to a chinese restarant, I like it there, maybe we can go together sometime later." They show the respect to her, and she could feel the care, but what does she want? Does nationality really matters? Or she is still not that confident enough, so afraid that people like her too much, feel she doesn't deserve that much... Or in the bottom of her heart, she's still looking for somebody cold and cool? She's confused... What woman want?

I know what she want, what everybody want? They want to be happy and want people around to be happy.