Spring Fountain of dew

Thursday, August 24, 2006


sometimes it is ok to cry..., the little beanie baby said.
Tears of pain, of fear is part of the fountain.
Pray for peace and health~

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Beauty of waiting

Before you know the result, there's always hope and anticipating, maybe that's why waiting is beautiful, although it is hard.

So what will come out from the box of chocolate? But i know it will be a piece of CHOCOLATE.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

eye care


1. 盐水毛巾敷眼:用盐水浸泡拧干的毛巾敷眼睑10分钟,使眼肌放松。

2. 穴位按摩:轻按印堂穴、眼明穴、鱼尾穴=承泣穴、四白穴,使眼周围皮肤血液循环加快,起到消除黑眼圈的作用。

3. 冷水棉条敷眼:用两块冷水浸透过的卫生棉条,敷在闭合的眼睛上,分别用两手食指、中指、无名指轻按下眼睑。









12. 山楂水:简单有效。对脸色和肠胃也有改善的作用。每天10颗干山楂,超市就有的卖,加一碗水,放在锅里熬10分钟左右,在睡前1-2小时服用。坚持一个星期就能看出效果。(脸爱浮胀的MM慎服、少服)







Saturday, August 05, 2006

Their way --- should I follow ?

Their Way
(sung to Frank Sinatra's "My Way")

I came, brought all my books, lived in the dorm, followed directions.
I worked, I studied hard, met lots of folk who had connections.
I crammed, they gave me grades, though may I say, not in a fair way.
But more, much more than this, I did it their way.

I memorized all sorts of things, although I know I'll never use them.
The courses that I took were all required; I didn't choose them.
I learned that to survive it's best to act the doctrinaire way.
And so I buckled down, and did it their way.

But there were times, I wondered why I had to walk when I could fy.
I had my doubts, but after all, I clipped my wings, I learned to crawl,
I learned to bend, and in the end, I did it their way.

And so, my fine young friend, now that I am a full professor,
Where once I was oppressed, I've now become the cruel oppressor.
Like me, you'll learn to cope, you'll learn to climb life's golden
Like me, you'll see the light, you'll do it their way.

For what can I say, what can I do? Open your book, read chapter two.
And if to you, it seems routine, don't speak to me, go see the dean.
As long as they give me my pay, I'll do it...their way!

(Words by Bob Blue, sung by Michael Cooney on Prairie Home Companion,
April 18, 1987. Transcribed from broadcast by Tom Welbers.)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the little prince

All grown-ups were once children--although few of them remember it.
... But what if you are forever staying as a child? ...

No grown-up will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!

Same same but different , sigh !

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Question order --- the art of questioning

One of the important hypothesis in my thesis is that in order to answer multiple questions, most people construct the answers in the order of questions. This should be a no-doubt fact just like most people write with their right hand. But to be a "serious researcher" and to write a "scientific thesis" , I need to find the supporting theory behind it.

So I did a google search on "question order" and did find out that this is actually quite a big topic in survey resarch in psychology. Although it has very little relation to my real thesis question, but it is fun to know :D

An interesting example of question-order effect is that:

"we did a study where we asked students, 'How satisfied are you with your life? How often do you have a date?' The two answers were not statistically related-you would conclude that there is no relationship between dating frequency and life satisfaction. But when we reversed the order and asked, 'How often do you have a date? How satisfied are you with your life?' the statistical relationship was a strong one. You would now conclude that there is nothing as important in a student's life as dating frequency."

And they also find out that question-order effects disappears as people age, because as we age, our memory gets worse, and as memory gets worse, we figured that questions asked earlier in the survey wouldn't have as much influence.

Hah, seems next time, when we ask the grandpa something , we'd better ask directly, all those background information we ask first might not help that much as he might forget already when he come to the final question :P Vice versa to my nephew.

Hah, this is "the art of questioning" :P