Spring Fountain of dew

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chinese - chinese history, chinese medicine ...

Recently got addicted to Chinese. Maybe just like i was joking to my friend:' Now my German is not good enough for me to read newspapers, watch TV, then become interested in Chinese media.' Watched tv series 乔家大院, movie 回家 in Zurich film festival, then 百科全说,then 大长今(even though this is a Korean TV show,it talk more about chinese medicine and food for health), then met with Xinxin on skype( after 9 years after university, thanks to Yi), got to know 人体使用手册 , now got the appetite for 黄帝内经, 医学四大经典,etc.

While watching these shows, i got better understanding of chinese history and wisdom, which i have ignored for the last ten years, due to my intensive english learning and eager fitting in the society...

Maybe now, after the master study and two different jobs, fit into the western society, busy moving forward for ten years...

Maybe because of movinng to a different continent, living in such an international city, hearing all sorts of languages, experiencing all kind of culture, personality...

Maybe because of my marriage,planning the next step in life ...

Maybe just because i have too much free time ( procrastinating from German learning, hehe...)

Finally feel the urge to connect to me, the innerself. Then started to tracing my own root. And started realizing and appreciating the beauty of China. Proud to be a Chinese, and feel very lucky being able to read wisdom from our ancester. 自己常常会有莫名的感动。 想来古人所说的 读万卷书,行万里路, 非常有道理。 自己也算是跑了三个大洲的人,见了不少的人和事,忽然想静下心来读读书。

Having a very contradictory character, idealistic while practical ... Even when i am reading and learning, i always thinking how can i use this for my next career :D 还是浮躁啊。。。 Not born to be lonely, so always like to share......
It is very fortunate to know that nowadays more and more people started to realize and dig into the enormously rich heritage from China. More and more kids start learning 三字经 and 珠算。 Felt myself in a different continent should also do something for this... Hope our next generation will be able to appreciate our great heritage, feel like to introducing this exciting great thing to more people,Youzi from China, or people from different culture. Hope to meet more people having similar mind ... felt like 沧海一粟。 Ha, this can be the chinese name of my blog.

转载: 养生从清晨做起

 早晨从睡梦中醒来,猛坐起来就感到头晕目眩,大脑一片空白,这是因为起得太猛血液往上冲,造成血压升高的结果。 正确做法是,睁开眼睛后先不要急着起身,躺在床上随意地活动四肢和头部,几分钟后再起来。此时也可以闭着眼睛做一些伸展四肢的运动,有助于头脑的清醒。 比如,可以将左右膝盖分别屈起使劲扳向身体的一侧,用双手把一个膝盖抱在胸前维持数秒,仰面躺着,双手尽量向后伸直用鼻吸气,用嘴呼气,身体维持数秒不动。由此可见,清晨是健康养生的重要时段。我们只要每天花五六分钟的时间坚持做下面的几个动作,并养成良好的习惯,久而久之就会增强我们的体质, 使我们的体力充沛,工作效率也会大大提高。对我们的身体健康是大有裨益的。
1.睁开眼先搓脸 早晨睁开惺忪的睡眼之后,我们都习惯用手揉眼睛,这是一个好的习惯,但这还不够,在揉眼睛之后,我们不妨用手搓搓脸,其好处会更多。搓脸时,可以从眼睛周围开始,不断扩大范围,反复揉搓,能够促进面部的血液循环,长期坚持可以预防感冒,还可减少面部皱纹,让你青春永驻。
2. 让眼睛左顾右盼 不急不躁地转动眼球来活动你的眼睛。可先左右,后上下,不停地转动几十次,这个动作能够锻炼眼周围的神经,让眼睛各部位神经灵活起来,有助于增强视力,减少眼疾的发生。
3. 轻叩牙齿 闭上嘴唇,轻轻地叩击上下牙齿,同时做旋转舌头的动作,用舌尖轻舔上腭数次,这个动作能促进口腔血液循环,增加唾液的分泌,从而起到清洁口腔、提高牙齿抗龋能力和咀嚼功能的作用。
4. 挺胸呼吸 平卧在床上,伸直双腿,做腹部深呼吸,吸气时腹部用力向上挺起,呼气时腹部放松,如此反复数次,可增强腹部肌肉的弹性,预防腹部肌肉松弛、脂肪堆积,具有健脾胃、促进消化的效果。
5.按摩梳头 坐在床上,以十指代替梳子,从额头到颈部,从耳朵的两侧到头顶,反复数十次,这样可以促进头部血液循环,减少脱发、白发等,同时也可以提神醒脑、降低血压。
6. 蒙耳弹脑 坐在床上,用手掌分别压紧两只耳朵,用活动自如的手指轻轻弹击脑部,每天早晨坚持弹十次以上,可起到消除疲劳、预防头晕、增强记忆力、消除耳鸣的功效。