Sentences Completion---- fool testing Stems.html
Did this sentence completion test, feeling they are amazingly accurate. Just can not believe which NLP techniques they are using to understand the language so well. ??? Also , seems I am still a blue-green mixed people. :P
1. When Chris became very angry, he...
is shouting and hit some soft things, say pillow or big toy
2. After receiving acceptance at her first choice college, Joan...
is very excited, phone her family and close friends immediately, she want to share the news with people she love.
3. After the breakup of their relationship....
she felt depressed for a period, but then think she could find better guys in the future
4. One true thing about good friends is...
making me feel relaxed and open, and always want to share.
133. Prides self on being an independent thinker; does not accept others' opinions without satisfactory proof.
342. Prefers a certain amount of change and variety; becomes dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.
345. Ambitious; strives to achieve, particularly in academic or intellectual domains. Although some aspirations tend to be unrealistic, client appears to be cheerfully aware of this possibility.
402. Tends to be more emotional on the inside than he or she discloses to others--even to fairly close friends and family.
407. Not a consistent extravert. Although affable and sociable in many circumstances, is occasionally reserved, wary, or "shy" in novel or unfamiliar social contexts. Sometimes prefers solitude--while at the same time feeling apologetic about that preference.
567. Has a tendency to be self-critical; sometimes has doubts as to whether he or she has made the right decision or done the right thing.
604. Has a great deal of unused capacity which has not yet been turned to full advantage.
607. Generally able to compensate for any weaknesses in personality.
841. Strong need to be liked by other people. Consciously struggles to balance this need with the competing need to disagree with others or to challenge them on occasion.
930. Sexual adjustment well within normal range. On the other hand, sexual development appears "young" or "youthful," probably implying limited experience. Erotic and/or romantic thoughts occur or intrude on thinking even in nonsexual contexts and circumstances.
945. Not self-pitying. Does not "whine" even when fairly frustrated; anger more likely than whining under such circumstances--even if not overtly expressed.
Then find out that whatever I filled in there, they always have this resultttt..... seems this is the commonpersonality for most people. Haha, people are similar. ;)
So no need to admire their natural language understanding skills. :P White white lie. heee heee.
Did this sentence completion test, feeling they are amazingly accurate. Just can not believe which NLP techniques they are using to understand the language so well. ??? Also , seems I am still a blue-green mixed people. :P
1. When Chris became very angry, he...
is shouting and hit some soft things, say pillow or big toy
2. After receiving acceptance at her first choice college, Joan...
is very excited, phone her family and close friends immediately, she want to share the news with people she love.
3. After the breakup of their relationship....
she felt depressed for a period, but then think she could find better guys in the future
4. One true thing about good friends is...
making me feel relaxed and open, and always want to share.
133. Prides self on being an independent thinker; does not accept others' opinions without satisfactory proof.
342. Prefers a certain amount of change and variety; becomes dissatisfied when hemmed in by restrictions and limitations.
345. Ambitious; strives to achieve, particularly in academic or intellectual domains. Although some aspirations tend to be unrealistic, client appears to be cheerfully aware of this possibility.
402. Tends to be more emotional on the inside than he or she discloses to others--even to fairly close friends and family.
407. Not a consistent extravert. Although affable and sociable in many circumstances, is occasionally reserved, wary, or "shy" in novel or unfamiliar social contexts. Sometimes prefers solitude--while at the same time feeling apologetic about that preference.
567. Has a tendency to be self-critical; sometimes has doubts as to whether he or she has made the right decision or done the right thing.
604. Has a great deal of unused capacity which has not yet been turned to full advantage.
607. Generally able to compensate for any weaknesses in personality.
841. Strong need to be liked by other people. Consciously struggles to balance this need with the competing need to disagree with others or to challenge them on occasion.
930. Sexual adjustment well within normal range. On the other hand, sexual development appears "young" or "youthful," probably implying limited experience. Erotic and/or romantic thoughts occur or intrude on thinking even in nonsexual contexts and circumstances.
945. Not self-pitying. Does not "whine" even when fairly frustrated; anger more likely than whining under such circumstances--even if not overtly expressed.
Then find out that whatever I filled in there, they always have this resultttt..... seems this is the commonpersonality for most people. Haha, people are similar. ;)
So no need to admire their natural language understanding skills. :P White white lie. heee heee.
Heeee heee, what's your answer for the questions then if feel like to share... :P
evian, at 12:38 AM
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