good excuse to stay at home
Caught a heavy cold days ago, and it's getting worse today. No strength to be traveling or partying, so have to stay home, although really want to join Larry's birthday party. They are very interesting people to meet and talk. Finally get the time to clean up the mailbox for the welcoming of the new year :) It's really funny to read some of my past emails. Thinking it might be a great idea, if people can compare their past emails on same day last year or years ago, especially on some special occasions. Whom you are thinking of and what did you write on that special day :)
Sometimes, we do need the clean up, everything, goods, emails, even relationships. With the accumulation day by day and year by year, we gather the treasure as well as garbage, especially I'm the kind of person who don't want to throw away anything... But when it is too much , it become a burdon. Now I have more insight of chinese "She De(舍得)", only when you give up something, you can have space for the new things. Maybe cold is a good way to clean up the body? ---at least sometimes :P
Suddenly remember Joe, happy to receive Joe's email days ago and I wish him all the best too.
Thanks for Michelle and Leo making the chicken soup for me. So sweet! Irene is supportive as usual. Terry also said he could make the chicken soup for me :P Good to know that so many people are taking care... make me living in a thankful heart.
Sometimes, we do need the clean up, everything, goods, emails, even relationships. With the accumulation day by day and year by year, we gather the treasure as well as garbage, especially I'm the kind of person who don't want to throw away anything... But when it is too much , it become a burdon. Now I have more insight of chinese "She De(舍得)", only when you give up something, you can have space for the new things. Maybe cold is a good way to clean up the body? ---at least sometimes :P
Suddenly remember Joe, happy to receive Joe's email days ago and I wish him all the best too.
Thanks for Michelle and Leo making the chicken soup for me. So sweet! Irene is supportive as usual. Terry also said he could make the chicken soup for me :P Good to know that so many people are taking care... make me living in a thankful heart.
You know, some people believe that life always gives us what we Really want. If you want to stay at home and have rest, than you can get sick to give you opportunity to skip all the parties. That's part of some of my friend's philosophy, I'm not sure if I believe in it or not.
I still cannot relate to your idea of cleaning up. Maybe it's because my room is never too clean either.:-)) It's a puzzle for me how you can clean up relationships.
Get well soon!
Ircat, at 10:04 AM
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