My first blog
Always have the impulse of writing and recording my life and thoughts... But my laziness of picking up a pen have prevented me from writing the diary for a long time. ( Sounds like I'm a real computing science major. :P) Instead, those random thoughts and events were pouring on friends' loggo and emails. I enjoy the feeling of reading the past email and articles, sometimes even amazed by my little wisdom, while sometimes found out that I could be so stupid and spoiled... Sometimes I kept asking the same question,
"Who is she?", " Is it me?"
"Yes, it is me. A small 'me' growing little by little, day by day, happily while painfuly. "
Today, I set up this chance of revisiting the small "me" in the future. Life is a book that written together with me. It's good to review the previous pages from time to time.
I am the person who has the habit of collecting the past. Due to the contribution of my grandpa, I had a whole academic record from my primary school to high school :) That's my big treasure. It is really fun to read my composition in my 3rd grades. From then on, I kept collecting various of my personals. Photos, cards, letters and even some gift bags from friends and families consistute a big part of my collection. The blessing stone for my mother, the first unsent letter to my father, my first watch from friend... But ever since the digital stuff become dominants in my life, I kind of lost in the overwelmed 010101 information. This lacking of organization make me feeling bad (maybe this because I'm Virgo? :P) Today I finally get the strength and courage to set my new treasure place here.
I named it "Spring Fountain of dew". I love water and almost everything that related to water since I was born. And luckily enough, my grandma name me Yangyang( which means big ocean. Hey, a lot of water. ) Everyday for me is like a small drop of water, sparkling under the sunshine, flying with the wind, playing on the daisy , crying with the tears... For the limitation of my linguistic knowledge of english, I come up with the word "dew" to represent this small angel. Today I set up this fountain to gather these small dewdrops and they spring out through my finger under the keystrokes.// I also had another name in mind for this blog-- "Cai3 Mo2 Gu1 De Xiao3 Gu1 Niang2". Can't find a nice english translation at the moment( The little girl who is picking up the mushroom? ). Once I use it as my BBS nick name. I'll save it for the future. Xixi.
I got an unexpected gift accompanied with this blog today: the first snow this winter of Vancouver. The big snowing flakes are dancing outside the window, seems they are also sharing my joy of this celebration moment---celebrating for the found of the "Spring Fountain of dew"...
"Who is she?", " Is it me?"
"Yes, it is me. A small 'me' growing little by little, day by day, happily while painfuly. "
Today, I set up this chance of revisiting the small "me" in the future. Life is a book that written together with me. It's good to review the previous pages from time to time.
I am the person who has the habit of collecting the past. Due to the contribution of my grandpa, I had a whole academic record from my primary school to high school :) That's my big treasure. It is really fun to read my composition in my 3rd grades. From then on, I kept collecting various of my personals. Photos, cards, letters and even some gift bags from friends and families consistute a big part of my collection. The blessing stone for my mother, the first unsent letter to my father, my first watch from friend... But ever since the digital stuff become dominants in my life, I kind of lost in the overwelmed 010101 information. This lacking of organization make me feeling bad (maybe this because I'm Virgo? :P) Today I finally get the strength and courage to set my new treasure place here.
I named it "Spring Fountain of dew". I love water and almost everything that related to water since I was born. And luckily enough, my grandma name me Yangyang( which means big ocean. Hey, a lot of water. ) Everyday for me is like a small drop of water, sparkling under the sunshine, flying with the wind, playing on the daisy , crying with the tears... For the limitation of my linguistic knowledge of english, I come up with the word "dew" to represent this small angel. Today I set up this fountain to gather these small dewdrops and they spring out through my finger under the keystrokes.// I also had another name in mind for this blog-- "Cai3 Mo2 Gu1 De Xiao3 Gu1 Niang2". Can't find a nice english translation at the moment( The little girl who is picking up the mushroom? ). Once I use it as my BBS nick name. I'll save it for the future. Xixi.
I got an unexpected gift accompanied with this blog today: the first snow this winter of Vancouver. The big snowing flakes are dancing outside the window, seems they are also sharing my joy of this celebration moment---celebrating for the found of the "Spring Fountain of dew"...
Thanks na! Thanks for your 'encouragement' :P Your high expectation make me feel pressured :P Just random thoughts here, so please don't be amazed if in the future I had a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. 'mushroom pickress' is really cool! You are always creative. Interesting to know that you had such a feeling of water. Hope this fountain of dew will be a small bridge to a peaceful ocean. ;-) I posted some comments in your blog, but had trouble opening I'll visit you often :)
evian, at 12:25 AM
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Ircat, at 8:44 AM
You are a good writer and your English is really becoming you first language.
I have a strong impression though of diary-written-not-for-yourself. And therefore not going that deep (and not that sincere). I didn't notice any emotions in your two entries. Wich means...There was nothing interesting? You don't want to write about it? You think it's not important?
Maybe it's just different styles, for me diary is always analysis never description. I'm curious what you think of this.
Ircat, at 8:45 AM
Thanks Irene, you are the only witness of my emotions every day :) You are right,this blog is more like a description than the analysis. I just record something, some trival things in life. Thus I will think and retrospect my whole day every day. Then try to write it as another "me" :P But do thanks and cherrish your comments.
evian, at 10:37 PM
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